Apr 25, 2012

Live Mecca & Medina!

I just found Live Video Streaming From Mecca and Medina, so I decided to embed the code in my blog. So far, it's working just fine. Here is the link to the original site : Saudi Life

P/s: Right here, I linked my Android App Neo Harramain [Idea is taken from this post]. Please download for free

Live streaming from both Makkah and Madinah start automatically, hence audios from both videos will be heard. Please pause the one you are not listening to.

 Live from Makkah

Live from Madinah


Outbound Malang said...

kunjungan gan,bagi - bagi motivasi
Hal mudah akan terasa sulit jika yg pertama dipikirkan adalah kata SULIT. Yakinlah bahwa kita memiliki kemampuan dan kekuatan.
ditunggu kunjungan baliknya yaa :)

sewa mobil surabaya said...

nice post.. :)

iklan baris said...

keren.. dtunggu postingan berikutnya yah..


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